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CALL-IS Academic Session
TESOL 2011: Examining the "E" in TESOL

 Friday, March 18, 1:00-2:20; 2:30-3:45

Technology Showcase Room R01

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA 


Teacher Training for Web 2.0 and Beyond


Session Abstract:

In this session, the presenters will discuss teacher training as it relates not only to Web 2.0 technologies, but also to the technologies that are developing and that teachers may be facing in the future. Teacher training will be looked at from theoretical as well as practical perspectives.


Presenters and Topics
Part I
1:00 - 1:05  pm

IntroductionsDawn Bikowski, CALL-IS Chair-Elect


1:05 - 1:30 pm

Philip Hubbard

Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA [bio]


Web 2.0 and Four Paths Beyond


I begin by briefly explaining the concept of Web 2.0 and discussing its general relevance to language teacher education. I follow with a few words about the theoretical underpinnings of Web 2.0 as applied to teacher education. I then explore four paths beyond Web 2.0. These are not technological themselves, but rather institutional initiatives and cultural attitudes toward technology that I believe are vital to develop in the near to mid-term future.
  • The need to instill teacher flexibility for change, rather than mastery of technologies that will become obsolete
  • The need for institutional support for lifelong learning for teachers, specifically in the area of technology.
  • The need to prepare teachers for learner training, helping students use the technology effectively and appropriately to support their learning
  • The need to educate specialists and professionals in CALL advanced degree programs to continue the field's growth and status as an independent discipline with its own journals and professional organizations.




1:30 - 1:55 pm

Greg Kessler

Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA Kessler@ohio.edu (bio)


Preparing Teachers for the Beyond (prezi)


Preparing language teachers to use technology is not as obvious as it may seem. We can not prepare teachers who will teach for the next forty years with the assumption that technology will remain static. With the current exponential growth of technological tools and resources as well as our ever increasing dependence upon technology in all aspects of our lives, we have no way of anticipating the tools our teachers in preparation will encounter during their professional careers. We need to prepare them to be flexible and to provide them with the resources to make informed decisions regarding pedagogy and technology. They need to recognize, understand and utilize effective tools that emerge in the future regardless of whether they are language teaching specific or not. This presentation will discuss the challenges and realities of an attempt to address these concerns in the Masters level CALL teacher preparation classroom.

2:00 - 2:20

Question and Answer Period


Part II
2:30 - 2:55

Christine Bauer-Ramazani, CALL-IS Immediate Past Chair
Saint Michael's College, Colchester, Vermont, USA,
cbauer-ramazani@smcvt.edu [bio]


Online Teacher Training for Web 2.0 and Beyond (PPT slide show)


This presentation will discuss why we should use Web 2.0 tools in teacher training and how they fit into teacher training courses. Specifically, we will look at a pedagogical framework for teacher training that is facilitated and supported by Web 2.0 tools. Because the teacher training courses that I am involved in are all taught via distance, examples will come from teachers and teacher trainees in these online courses: 1) my CALL Online course (an elective course in the MATESOL program at Saint Michael’s College), 2) a TESOL Principles and Practices of Online Teaching course called “Online Learning for Campus-Based Teaching”, and 3) an online training course for my colleagues in the Applied Linguistics Department at Saint Michael's College on putting courses online.  Teachers and teacher trainees will need to scan continuously their networks, RSS feeds, and subscriptions for new opportunities to experiment with, to collaborate, and to their with their networks the new teaching technologies that come along. 

2:55 - 3:20

Paige Ware

Southern Methodist University, USA, pware@mail.smu.edu




Secondary Teachers and Technology:  Learning How to Teach English through New Tools


This final session will explore how technology can be used to help content-area teachers develop strategies for teaching English language learners. The session will showcase how secondary teachers used four different technology tools (blogs, course management systems, collaborative storytelling websites, and Teacher Tube) to engage with secondary ESL students and to reflect on the constraints and resources of each of these tools.  I focus specifically on how teachers learned about ESL teaching strategies through these various technologies in ways that would have not been possible without the technology tools. Also covered will be thoughts on how we can train teachers so that they can continually use technology creatively and effectively to meet their needs, even as the technology itself changes.



Question and Answer Period




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